Thursday, January 22, 2009

I already won the Lottery! by Kelly K. Brown

My Absolute Favorite place in China thus far, The Unbelievably Beautiful Yellow Mountain.

So everyday… every single day (without exception), at some point in the day I find myself laughing while tears simultaneously roll down my face (how I also imagine my reaction will be when I win the lottery)… and then I discover again… that I have indeed already won the lottery.

I’m not sure when and I’m not sure exactly how… but somewhere along the way during the past 5 years through the seeming good and bad… I discovered something so incredible and something so wonderful---I truly feel like I’ve won the lottery every single day!

Now for those of you who know me well, you know my life has not been perfect… (because an extreme positive attitude like mine might inspire one who doesn’t know me to think my life has been extraordinarily easy). Many of you know I’ve lived through my own share of ups and downs, triumphs and tragedies much like everyone faces at some point in life… and in some cases more than most, and you know what?

As I grow to be more present in the moment, happy in whatever the day brings, and trusting that everything will work out to my benefit (even when sometimes in the moment it doesn’t appear that way), I’ve discovered there is always a positive way to look at things. There is always a way to adjust my perspective using a memory from a past event to ‘anchor’ my current thinking into powerful positive thoughts for my today and my future.

What I’ve noticed more and more each day is how these memories that pop up out of nowhere are really forms of true inner guidance sending reminders, affirmations (literally a trail of crumbs) which the Law of Attraction then uses to keep me on the path I know is the true destiny for me. We call these seeming coincidental moments, ‘synchronistic events’, both the new ‘in the moment’ occurrence, as well as any memories that come to your present moment experience that remind you to stay on path to your dreams.

These occurrences could be picking up a book, and it just happens to have an answer you need--and you just happened to open to the right page miraculously. Receiving a quote that is perfect for where you are THIS VERY day. A song you know well, that for some reason is right on target for your heart condition this very moment---and you know because you are moved emotionally. It could be a memory or the thought of an acquaintance that crosses your mind... right on cue for what you need in this moment (and you haven't thought of it or them in years).

As each day of 2009 unfolds, I'm experiencing MORE of these ‘synchronistic event’ moments than ever before. Miracles are flowing through the experience of people all around me; my own beliefs and feelings of well-being and purpose are stronger, deeper and more infused with unconditional love than at any other time in my life. I can literally feel the changes coming as my destiny unfolds around me. I feel it, I see it, I know it---and it is in perfect alignment with my dreams for me.

That’s exactly how the Law of Attraction works for everyone! By definition, Law of Attraction is nothing more that “that which is like unto itself is drawn”. Think good thoughts…receive more good thoughts that add to the total. Think negative thoughts… experience an influx of more negative thoughts. The most important thing to remember is that thoughts DO become things through YOUR vibrational alignment with the very thoughts you are thinking (your major thought patterns, emotions and intentions).

It takes only a small amount of self-discipline to choose your thoughts wisely, to catch yourself thinking or speaking thoughts that do not serve you or the universe or thinking thoughts that bring you the very desires of your heart. I say small of amount of discipline because as soon as you begin to think better thoughts, the Law of Attraction will step right up to assist you with more of the same! (of course, the opposite is also true---think negative thoughts and more of those will soon be at your door!)

When you sense the deeper truth revealed here, you realize you alone completely control your destiny by that which you do or do not believe is true for you. And when you really understand and practice focusing on what you DO want, you will be aware that you have already won the lottery of life indeed!

And by the way… regardless of any outcome or life circumstance, your continuing good thoughts will have you feeling better and better in every moment you are fortunate enough to live… and trust me, that’s a very good thing!


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