Thursday, January 29, 2009

"But How Do You Do That?" By Kelly K. Brown

My youngest daughter, DeeDee with me feeding the birds in Venice, Italy!

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.
-- Anwar al-Sadat

Recently, one of my dear, witty, funny, creative and well-informed friends sent me and many others an email very upset about the buyouts of pharmaceutical companies by other pharmaceutical companies, international bank cartels and some other recent newsworthy items all filled with angst, concern, worry about our future… indeed the future of our world as we know it. At the end of the email, he asked our opinion on any one or all of these topics.

Chances are you’ve received emails like this, been in similar conversations or saw something on the news that filled you with all these same type of ‘doomsday’ thoughts about those items, real estate, the economy or the latest business in town and how many people they laid off.

If you follow my articles or blogs (or know me in person), you already know that I won’t even for a moment allow my thoughts to go to a place where those thoughts can lead me to feelings that are anything BUT phenomenal for me and those around me. (Our Thoughts do become our reality… so I’m very, very careful about what my thoughts are at all times)

Remembering that YOU are NOT your thoughts… that YOU are the THINKER of your thoughts, is the fundamental truth behind all I’m saying and the quote above. That is the reason you have the natural ability to control what goes through your mind---most of us just forget because we are always so caught up in the emotions our thoughts have already created, its like a roller coaster that just never stops to let us off.

People often ask me quite sincerely, “But How Do You Do That?" How do you stop yourself from obsessing about all that is going on in the world? How do you control your thoughts with so much chaos in the world?”

To help you find a thought process that might work for you, I thought it would be interesting to share an excerpt of my email response to my friend… Enjoy!

Dear Friend:

One of the things about you I love most is your passion and interest in knowing so much about all that is going on in our world, and your willingness to express it!

Having said that, let me share my honest, yet predictable response to your question on these topics.

I think you are likely correct that something is up in all that---and my response will always be somewhat the same regardless of the latest drama going on in the world---no matter what it is.

My response is: be informed, notice what is going on and pay attention! Then, as quickly as possible where ANY unwanted circumstance is, NOW only focus on what you want to see as the perfect outcome. An outcome for the good of all of us!

Focusing, talking and expressing any energy about these situations other than that will only bring more into the world of what you seem to be saying you do not want!

I also, through my own experience, now know beyond any doubt that vibrational thought effort is far superior to physical effort (or fighting what I don't want) ever was or could be.

Unless one just likes the drama of it all...

I am going out on a limb to say I feel fairly certain many will respond to your email and the energy they express will be anger, frustration, worry, even fatalism that this is how the world is, this is where we are going--- all of which are extremely low energies--- and won't create the change we'd all like to see.

For me, I'll take your info and focus on some, Kelly Sunshine kinda thought about how the law of attraction will work this out Perfectly, Soon and with Relative ease!! ---using my ability to focus and vibrate at levels that bring about incredible miracles. I’ll think about how I’d like our world to move forward.

Imagine our world if it was filled with only those kind of thoughts and harmonious vibrations?

The point is this… we have more wars against more things in this world---all with the mistaken belief that fighting AGAINST something will bring about our desired solution… when the truth is: fighting against anything just brings MORE of it, because what we focus on EXPANDS… our thoughts become our reality!

We fight against cancer, the economy, starvation in other countries… we fight against everything. But what if we focused on a cancer cure is coming, the economy can do as it wishes and I will still prosper, mentally ‘seeing and believing’ there is enough food in the world to feed everyone and imagining how we could get it to those in need. Can you ‘feel’ how different just changing your thoughts to those type of ideas really feels inside you?

That is the Law of Attraction in Action my friend… by choosing thoughts that make you feel good, thoughts that are inspired by what you truly want to see in your personal life and the world, thoughts that literally FEEL GOOD.

That’s the answer you’ve been searching for! That’s EXACTLY "how you do it"—by thinking thoughts that feel better and then another thought that feels better… it really is as simple as that! Those are the kinds of thoughts that change the world!

Thinking incredibly good feeling thoughts for YOU!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

I already won the Lottery! by Kelly K. Brown

My Absolute Favorite place in China thus far, The Unbelievably Beautiful Yellow Mountain.

So everyday… every single day (without exception), at some point in the day I find myself laughing while tears simultaneously roll down my face (how I also imagine my reaction will be when I win the lottery)… and then I discover again… that I have indeed already won the lottery.

I’m not sure when and I’m not sure exactly how… but somewhere along the way during the past 5 years through the seeming good and bad… I discovered something so incredible and something so wonderful---I truly feel like I’ve won the lottery every single day!

Now for those of you who know me well, you know my life has not been perfect… (because an extreme positive attitude like mine might inspire one who doesn’t know me to think my life has been extraordinarily easy). Many of you know I’ve lived through my own share of ups and downs, triumphs and tragedies much like everyone faces at some point in life… and in some cases more than most, and you know what?

As I grow to be more present in the moment, happy in whatever the day brings, and trusting that everything will work out to my benefit (even when sometimes in the moment it doesn’t appear that way), I’ve discovered there is always a positive way to look at things. There is always a way to adjust my perspective using a memory from a past event to ‘anchor’ my current thinking into powerful positive thoughts for my today and my future.

What I’ve noticed more and more each day is how these memories that pop up out of nowhere are really forms of true inner guidance sending reminders, affirmations (literally a trail of crumbs) which the Law of Attraction then uses to keep me on the path I know is the true destiny for me. We call these seeming coincidental moments, ‘synchronistic events’, both the new ‘in the moment’ occurrence, as well as any memories that come to your present moment experience that remind you to stay on path to your dreams.

These occurrences could be picking up a book, and it just happens to have an answer you need--and you just happened to open to the right page miraculously. Receiving a quote that is perfect for where you are THIS VERY day. A song you know well, that for some reason is right on target for your heart condition this very moment---and you know because you are moved emotionally. It could be a memory or the thought of an acquaintance that crosses your mind... right on cue for what you need in this moment (and you haven't thought of it or them in years).

As each day of 2009 unfolds, I'm experiencing MORE of these ‘synchronistic event’ moments than ever before. Miracles are flowing through the experience of people all around me; my own beliefs and feelings of well-being and purpose are stronger, deeper and more infused with unconditional love than at any other time in my life. I can literally feel the changes coming as my destiny unfolds around me. I feel it, I see it, I know it---and it is in perfect alignment with my dreams for me.

That’s exactly how the Law of Attraction works for everyone! By definition, Law of Attraction is nothing more that “that which is like unto itself is drawn”. Think good thoughts…receive more good thoughts that add to the total. Think negative thoughts… experience an influx of more negative thoughts. The most important thing to remember is that thoughts DO become things through YOUR vibrational alignment with the very thoughts you are thinking (your major thought patterns, emotions and intentions).

It takes only a small amount of self-discipline to choose your thoughts wisely, to catch yourself thinking or speaking thoughts that do not serve you or the universe or thinking thoughts that bring you the very desires of your heart. I say small of amount of discipline because as soon as you begin to think better thoughts, the Law of Attraction will step right up to assist you with more of the same! (of course, the opposite is also true---think negative thoughts and more of those will soon be at your door!)

When you sense the deeper truth revealed here, you realize you alone completely control your destiny by that which you do or do not believe is true for you. And when you really understand and practice focusing on what you DO want, you will be aware that you have already won the lottery of life indeed!

And by the way… regardless of any outcome or life circumstance, your continuing good thoughts will have you feeling better and better in every moment you are fortunate enough to live… and trust me, that’s a very good thing!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Are YOU Creating Castles? by Kelly K. Brown

I have an incredibly profound quote on a lovely card in my home directly under a beautiful picture of my daughter, Erica and her husband Alan the day they were married in October 2005 (see above!).

It’s as easy to create a castle as a button
--Esther Hicks

Sound strange? Incredible? Impossible?

It is, if you think it is!

It isn’t, if you know how to focus your thoughts and release your intentions into the universe---because when you do THAT, it IS as Easy to Create a Castle as a Button.

From the day she was born, Erica has acknowledged quite openly and quite insistently that she was born into the wrong family. Not wrong because she doesn’t love us or isn’t happy with her life (our family life). No, it is more about an inner feeling that she was meant to be a princess. That she is INDEED a real princess!

I have many fond memories from the earliest moments in her life when she would state she was sure she was a princess and didn’t understand why we didn’t live in a castle and why wasn’t I the Queen? “Mommy, I just don’t understand----I KNOW I’m a princess! Where's our castle? Where’s my throne? Why aren’t you the Queen? This is ALL wrong! I KNOW I'm a princess!"
Castle Otttis in St. Augustine, Florida

As a very young mother (I was only 19 by 2 weeks when Erica was born), you can imagine I had no clue what to tell her although I totally LOVED her idea that she was a princess which meant I should be the Queen!

Here’s the thing… Erica never lost sight of that dream and always visioned she’d be married in a beautiful castle one day. And despite a life altering long-term illness (my former husband's brain cancer diagnosis with six months to live) that arrived just TWO days before my 17 year job ended, costs of which dwindled our funds to zero, 3 brain surgeries and 4 years later, she was married in a beautiful castle of her dreams… and it cost us almost nothing!

She believed, she dreamed, she focused and the Castle came about through a 'chance' drive by... Ahhhhhhhhhhh... I so love how this Universe of Abundance works!

That is the power of vibrational alignment with your dreams… Literally, the Law of Attraction in action! Think of what you want, believe you deserve and can have it, create an absolute expectation and then watch the path of the Universe open to fulfill your dream exactly as you vision it.

Erica then dreamed of going to Germany on an incredible castle tour---and out of nowhere the money showed up and in September 2007 our family lived that dream as well and viewed the many castles of King Ludwig (including the world famous Neuschwanstein—in picture below).

Me in front of King Ludwig's Neuschwanstein Castle (I LOVE how that girl dreams!)

Guess what? Now Erica wants and visions touring all the world famous castles of France! In case you are wondering... I’m already packing my bags and notified our favorite tour guide that money would indeed be showing up for us to take that trip!

Create a Castle as Easy as a Button? With YOUR ability to focus ONLY on what you want, with unwavering belief and expectation… a feeling of FAITH enters the picture and when you can hold on to the certainty that faith provides… YOUR Castle is right around the corner! It has to be... It is LAW!

Now what do you REALLY want?
Dreaming night and day of YOUR success!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

When You Believe... by Kelly K. Brown


I knew that 2009 would be the beginning of the realization of the HUGE changes I want in my life and the very MIRACLES I’ve been dreaming of, believing in and expecting...

I even knew that it would begin right away and from December 31st straight through to today, it has been one revelation after another, miracles big and small… people getting what they want (even in the face of adversity).

Some of those people are our very own BTS Gals--and I won’t spoil their stories should they be planning to blog about them this week. And yet, I cannot wait another moment to express to the universe in writing my gratitude, appreciation, and recognition of how everything all around me, AND through their miracles--- is flowing together… perfectly for the fruition of the dreams I have for me.

So what I will share with you is that my passion in life has most often been about helping, loving and caring for others. I was born with a crazy, wonderfully optimistic Pollyanna disposition and I do see the good in every thing there is, and when I can’t for ANY reason, I focus on it until I can. I’ve lived through many, many unbelievable (and often seeming tragic) life situations that most people have no idea of… and yet I’ve found a way through them and in hindsight BOTH to see the tremendous good that was always there for me from the beginning in every single moment.

This past year for me, has been one of extreme inner personal growth. By conscious choice I took an entire year off (for the most part) just to focus on me, my dreams, my goals and aspirations. I’ve spent extraordinary amounts of time just ‘being’. And with each new day a door has opened and a new enlightenment was revealed that moved me further on the path to my dreams.

This week has begun ripening the fruit of all the time, study and practice I’ve spent.

Fruit you ask? Yes, the fruit of Miracles! This week, both Liimu and Leslie experienced extreme miracles on different topics---and both were exactly what then WANTED and NEEDED at exactly the right time.

Know how they did it? It was 3 simple steps really. First, they were able to focus their thoughts on “What do I want? What am I desiring?, and then with some conversation and encouragement, they added Step 2… the belief step! They both in conversation and inner thought began believing that they could experience the miracle they want! And Third, they put themselves in a place of expectation by talking about and discussing other times they’d received a miracle… and listening to others share theirs. If there was any inner doubt of their worthiness or ability, it was put to rest right then and there and you know why?

A desire, plus belief with added expectation equals FAITH… and nothing can stop FAITH!!

So what does this have to do with you or me and my dreams? For me (obviously) this is the GREATEST gift of all! My time this year, my meditation, my focus has been centered completely on how I could help others learn and grow in ways that would help them achieve their miracles and the dreams they are desiring.

Beyond me, however, is the much bigger picture! What I know for sure is that there is a way for everyone to get the very desires of their heart and this week’s miracles with Liimu and Leslie were just a wonderful affirmation that everything is as it should be, in the moment and right on perfect track.

Desire plus Belief plus Expectation equals Faith… And Faith Always Brings the Miracle!

So… what are you waiting for?

The song below came to me in the middle of all these miraculous happenings this week and I could in my mind’s eye hear our very own Liimu belting out the lyrics every bit as wonderfully as Mariah and Whitney.

To that end: I dedicate this song to All The BTS Gals and anyone who believes or is out there just wishing they could, this song is sent with tears of love and encouragement, just for YOU…


When You Believe!
Whitney Houston with Mariah Carey

Many nights we've prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We barely understood

Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could

There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayers so often prove in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away

Yet now I'm standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say

There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

They don't know it's often when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way straight through the rain
Boy, am I still resilient voice
Says love is the relief

There can be miracles (Miracles)
When you believe (Lord, when you believe)
Though hope is frail (Though hope is frail)
It's hard to kill (Hard to kill, Ohhh)

Who knows what miracles, you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
(somehow, somehow, somehow)
somehow you will
You will when you believe
You will when you
You will when you believe
Just your heart
Just believe
You will when you believeeeeeeeeeee

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happiness is... By Kelly K. Brown

Do you ever wake up in a funk? No bad dreams, a good night’s sleep---you know, nothing’s really wrong… and yet you still find your mind wandering to thoughts that don’t serve you (or anyone really). More than anything you want to just ‘shake it off’ and somehow for reasons unknown the escape from these thoughts eludes you.

Well that is how I occasionally wake up and today just happened to be one of those days… in my first moment of awareness of this, I made a decision to just breathe for a few and started thinking of things I like.

It wasn’t too long before something from the past popped into my mind. Remember in the 70’s (for those who were around then!) the ‘Happiness is…’ slogans? Well as soon as that came to mind, I was filled with good thoughts of what Happiness is to ME… and in less than 5 minutes, I was ‘right as rain’ as they say! I hope you enjoy my list and will add a few of your own!

Happiness is… acceptance of my life exactly as it is today and how it is in every single moment!

Happiness is… focusing my thoughts and intentions on how I’d like things to go as the day moves forward with a wonderful acceptance that things will go ‘exactly’ as they are meant to---and that’s okay.

Happiness is… the sun as it shines through my window and reminds me ‘all is well’ in the world---another day has begun and I am once again lucky enough to live it!

Happiness is… knowing my existence matters in the scheme of things and that everything happens for a reason and that reason serves me.

Happiness is… my steamy hot morning cup of tea!

Happiness is… the joy I feel inside when I remember WHO I really am!

Happiness is... the way I feel inside about trees, clouds, birds and their morning songs, and the Abundant Universe evident in nature all around me!

Happiness is… Personal Freedom! Freedom in each moment to choose my thoughts, feelings and intentions---knowing every other person has that same ability and right at their disposal in every moment.

Happiness is… the way wonderfully soft materials (like my fleece sheets or that furry coat above!) feel in my hands when I touch them!

Happiness is… knowing today I will have the opportunity to give unconditional love to another human being… and knowing there will be those who will share theirs with me.

Happiness is… saying ‘Good Morning’ to my baby kitty everyday!

Happiness is… growing, learning, changing, accepting and loving the journey I call My Life!

What about you? Happiness is… ??? What thoughts bring happiness about in your inner world? Take a few minutes and start your day off with a few of your own and watch how things change!

Happiness is… getting to share my good morning thoughts with YOU!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Kindness... A Great Word for a Great New Year! By Kelly K. Brown

My daughter Erica (left) and her best friend, Heather (right)!
I was in awe, and filled with joy while big tears ran down my face as I discovered that the FIRST word God’s Universe had for me to HEAR upon rising today (New Year’s Day 2009) is one of my favorites to see, be and do… the word KINDNESS!

Take a moment and just think about what that word means to you… Kindness!

To me it very often means Walmart! Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, so let me explain.

I was just there the other day with my daughter, Erica, and it was crowded and people were busy and as is always the case for me, I find someone there who just needs a little ‘extra’ love… a small piece of kindness.

That day, it was the checkout girl… who was doing her job quite efficiently and yet if anyone took the time to notice, there was such a mindless look of unhappiness about her… not a glimmer of a smile… just spending time. Immediately, my heartstrings were tugged and I took extra interest in her and asked questions, as we chatted, I smiled and beamed the energy of love all focused intentionally on her… and was gifted to watch anew what happens when kindness for another (in any form) is the intention of any moment.

Kindness is so interesting because its affects are far more reaching than it might appear on the surface (looking only at the simple act itself). I believe kindness and acts of kindness literally and physically change people!

That day at Walmart, I was uplifted with joy at having shared a moment of care with a total stranger. The checkout girl’s entire aura was changed and I’ll never forget her joyful countenance, huge smile and good wishes for a Happy New Year as we left! The bigger surprise was how the kindness also affected my daughter, who witnessed the whole thing… she, too, was uplifted and radiating joy as we left the store.

I’ve recently read that acts of kindness (the giving, the receiving, even the witnessing) literally change (elevate) the serotonin levels for good in the human body---and it strengthens the immune system---even the observer’s serotonin levels are elevated when they witness an act of kindness!

Think about that wonderful movie, Pay It Forward (where the boy’s idea is to do a kindness for another, that can only be repaid by ‘paying it forward’ to someone else who is in need). Watch that movie--especially the part when the boy spells out how the whole plan works--and TRY NOT to cry tears of joy how something so simple as kindness can do so much universal good! When I watch it, I can FEEL a physical change that beckons me to find ways to be kind to others.

How can we do it? That’s the best part of all!

An Act of Kindness can be ANYTHING!

It’s a big joyous smile that is everyone’s gift to give! It can be the gift of time (even a few minutes) spent in conversation with one who is lonely. It can be paying the toll for the person behind you at the toll plaza. It can be choosing to smile when someone cuts you off in traffic and wishing them Godspeed as they are in a hurry! It can be treating you, YOURSELF, with loving kindness. It can be just living a joyous attitude that spreads to everyone you meet.

That’s the Beauty of Kindness---it can be anything, done anywhere, for anyone, at any time!

And the Power of Kindness? Just a simple act of faith with far reaching magnificent rewards whose end you’ll most likely never see or know---and ALL at no cost to you or anyone!

And it all begins when you See Yourself As Love in Action!

“To work with love… is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart even as if your beloved (the recipient) were to wear that cloth."
-Kahlil Gibran

Happy New Year with all the kindness and love I can share!
